A Subscription for Writing
Explore the possibilities of a new monthly writing habit, the gift of deadlines, and the novelty unleashed when we dare to write outside our comfort zones, push the envelope, ignore the crowd, and follow our Muse.
Most Popular
Annual Pro
One Submission Every Month
per year
— One (1) Submission / Month
— Twelve (12) Total Submissions
(reg. $180)Scroll down for more details.
Annual Prolific
Three Submissions Every Month
per year
— Three (3) Submissions / Month
— Thirty-Six (36) Total Submissions
(reg. $540)
Scroll down for more details.
Musepaper Poem Prize
Musepaper Story Prize
Musepaper Essay Prize
UP TO THREE (3) Musepaper Prizes will be awarded across all genres.
+ Publication (online + print anthology)
+ Two (2) Complimentary Copies
+ Professionally Designed Broadside
+ Promotion via press releases and active marketing campaigns (email/newsletter, web, social media, postcards, etc.SUBMISSIONS
— 1,000 Words (or less)
— Story, Essay, or 1-2 Poems
— No Restrictions on Style or Subject Matter
— Deadline: Last Day of Every Month— Easy & Simple Submission Process
— Multiple/Simultaneous Submissions
— 20% off extra submissions (no limit)
Our Philosophy
We believe in the creative potential of every writer, regardless of experience. Blind and anonymous judging ensures equality to writers of every level. All writers are welcome, and no style or subject matter is off-limits.
Stress-Free Guarantee
Musepaper's Stress-Free Guarantee ensures fair and equal judging of all entries. In the unlikely event we are unable to judge your entry, we’ll contact you for resolution. Additionally, typos and minor grammatical errors are never penalized and will not affect judging.
Additional Options
If a subscription isn't the right fit for you, submissions are always welcome via Musepaper's Submittable Page.
How It Works
Sit down. Start writing.
Multiple bad sentences are the sine qua non of a single good one.
Simplify. Enrich.
Occam's Razor • Law of Parsimony • Brevity
Perfect is the enemy of good.
Ship it, warts and all. Done!
Poetry • Fiction • Nonfiction
1,000 words (or less) — every month.
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