In Kauai sex is everywhere
In gardens and along roadsides
Stamens in their sheaths springing out
in orange and yellow hibiscus flames
Like young stallions in the first throes of adolescence
And anthuriums circumcised by nature
Their naked curving spikes thrusting
from red heart-shaped leaves
A hint of derrière flush
on visiting sun nymphs in string bikinis
The air peppered with salt and pheromones
Those silent siren calls to libidos that ride the air
as expertly as the surfers on waves
with their Kona bean-brown and buff bodies
And I sit on the beach
Sand massaging bare feet
Metal knitting needles
mating in orgasmic clicks
Ellaraine Lockie’s fourteenth chapbook, Sex and Other Slapsticks, has recently been released from Presa Press. In 2019, her poems have won the Poetry Super Highway Contest and The Women of the Fur Trade Poetry Contest from the Nebraska Writers Guild. Ellaraine teaches writing workshops and serves as Poetry Editor for the lifestyles magazine, LILIPOH.